Toefl Reading

1. The word scorching on line 6 is closest in meaning to ____.
2. The word examined on line 10 is closest in meaning to____.
3. Which of the sentences best expresses the essential information given in this sentence?

“Un­cov­er­ing the char­ac­ter­is­tics of su­per Earths is hard, since they’re so small compared to the par­ent star and their con­trast rel­a­tive to the star is ti­ny com­pared to gas gi­ant plan­ets, so-called ‘hot Jup­iters.’”
4. The author uses “like adding anoth­er brick to the wall” in paragraph 6 to suggest that ____.
5. It can be inferred from paragraph 7 that, around 2000, ____.
6. The phrase “the next gen­era­t­ion of space telescopes” in line 36, is closest in meaning to ____.
7. Which sentence best summarizes these sentences from paragraph 7, reproduced here?

“55 Can­cri e has been ex­ten­sively stud­ied since its 2011 dis­cov­ery. Based on read­ings tak­en at 30 dif­fer­ent times, it was thought to be a wa­ter world, or even made of dia­mond, but re­search­ers now think it’s al­most com­pletely lava-covered.”
8. It is not stated in paragraph 4 that ____.
9. In which place (A,B,C, or D) in the paragraph below it could this sentence be added?

“That could have led the two sides to have radic­ally dif­fer­ent tem­per­a­tures by pre­venting some heat from spread­ing around.”

[A] The re­search­ers, led by the Un­ivers­ity of Cam­bridge in the U.K., say scorch­ing temp­era­tures on the plan­et’s hot­ter side may have made the at­mos­phere evap­o­rate. [B] Tem­per­a­tures on the hot side can reach 2,500 de­grees C (4,500 F), [C] while tem­per­a­tures on the (10) cool side are around 1,100 de­grees C (2,000 de­grees F), ac­cord­ing to the find­ings, re­ported in the jour­nal Na­ture. [D]
10. This graphic shows an introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage and two sentences that support that sentence.
11. The word it in line 16 refers to ____.
12. According to paragraph 4, a sign that 55 Cancri e is a super Earth is that ____.
13. The word mapped in line 12 is closest in meaning to ____.
14. It is indicated in the passage that millennials are ____.
15. The phrase “working for peanuts” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ____.
16. Based on the information in paragraph 4, it can be inferred that ____.
17. Why does the author give this warning in paragraph 2?

“Warning: Be prepared to have some of your most cherished beliefs upended.”
18. Why does the author use the word Hmmm in line 36?
19. It is not stated in paragraph 6 that millennials ____.
20. Which of the statements best expresses the essential information in this sentence from the passage?
21. The word passé in line 16 is closest in meaning to____.
22. In which place (A,B,C, or D) in the passage section that follows it could this sentence be added?

“They want people to flow through the home during gatherings, rather than be sectioned off in rooms.”

“[A] Okay, so you’re probably not going to tear down your interior walls to create more of a loft feeling — or are you? — but at least know that Millennials entertain differently than their elders and that something like a formal dining room (FDR) just doesn’t impress them. [B] In essence, the kitchen is the new living room,” one realtor told [C] What does impress them? A home office, given that 9-to-5 jobs are so passé. Immediately point out that your FDR can easily be converted into one. [D]
23. In this graphic, there is an introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage, followed by two important ideas in the passage.
24. The word them in line 4 refers to ____.
25. According to the author, why will Millennial-driven homes have open floor plans?
26. The phrase “have more weight” in paragraph 1, line 1 of the attached passage is closest in meaning to ____.

27. According to paragraph 2 of the attached passage, all of the following sentences are true except which of these?
28. The word cohorts in line 11 of the attached passage is closest in meaning to ____.
29. Which of the following sentences best expresses the essential information given in the following sentence from the attached passage?

“…universities have a vested interest in supporting students during their first-year transition.
30. Which statement is supported by the information in paragraph 3 of the attached passage?
31. Why does the writer of the attached passage refer to the 2009 report conducted for B.C. Stats?
32. To clarify that 29 percent of students dropped out of university as they didn’t experience a sense of belonging.

33.Which two of these sentences also express the most important ideas in the passage?

A. Dog therapy was used to help students make friends at university.
B. Dog therapy led to students feeling less homesick.
C. Half of the students did not develop a sense of belonging from dog therapy.
D. Students left university unhappy because they did not experience dog therapy.
E. Based on the 2009 survey, there was a clear connection between students’ sense of belonging and feeling happy at university.
34. Which statement is supported by the information in paragraph 3 of the attached passage?
35. The word exacerbations in paragraph 1 of the attached passage is closest in meaning to ____.
36. The chart below contains an introductory sentence for a short summary of the attached passage and two supporting details about the passage.
37. According to Paragraph 3 of the attached passage, all of the following sentences are true except which of these?
38. The phrase “some caution is warranted” is closest in meaning to ____.
39. In which place [A,B,C, or D] in the paragraph below (from the attached passage) could this sentence be added?

“Second, it is not yet clear whether vitamin D supplements can reduce risk of severe asthma attacks in all patients, or whether this effect is just seen in those who have low vitamin D levels to start with.”

[A] First, the findings relating to severe asthma attacks come from just three trials: most of the patients enrolled in these studies were adults with mild or moderate asthma. [B] Further vitamin D trials in children and in adults with severe asthma are needed to find out whether these [35] patient groups will also benefit. [C] Further analyses to investigate this question are on-going, and results should be available in the next few months.” [D]
40. Which of these statements can be inferred from the attached passage?
Toefl Reading
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